Summary of “ KONSEP HALAL LOGISTK MENJADI PELUANG BARU BAGI BISNIS INDONESIA” Speaker : Sir. Bimo Widyatmoko Direktur Operasional PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia atau IPC Logistic Service On March 14, 2017, 10:00 am. I attended the General Discussion (DISKUM) organized by the Student Association of Logistics (HM.LOG) Transport Trisakti School of Management. General discussions are always held each semester lecture aimed to share knowledge and expand the horizons of the students logistic STMT Trisakti about new things that have been updated in the world of logistics. Mr. Bimo Widyatmoko as the first speaker in the general discussion this time, talk about what is Halal Logistics . So let’s move to the point of this blog! Halal logistics is started from halal and ended up with halal too. Ranging from the process of production, procurement, inventory, pack...