Summary of General Discussion about Bounded Logistic Center

"Improving Role of Bonded Logistic Centerin Order to Support Logistic Activity Effectively and Efficiently"

Speaker 1 : Mrs. Ety Puspitasari, SE (Chairman of PPLBI)

A.   Introduction of PLB

Bonded logistics center introduced on March 10, 2016 By Mr. President Joko Widodo in Cingkareng a policy package that has been issued by the government to support the industry to be more efficient and lower logistics costs as it relates to economic activity / industry. With the bonded logistics center, the manufacturing company does not need to import and do not need to take the goods from abroad for quite take away from the bonded logistics center.
      B.   Difference of before and after PLB introduced in Indonesia

Example : "Before there Bonded Logistics Center"
Flow of Goods : 
  Goods            ->       Singapore/Malaysia            ->          Jakarta             ->           Destiny

Mostly use of goods 90% located in Indonesia, but these items must transit first in Singapore or Malaysia to Jakarta, then sent to destiny (Sulawesi, Sumatra, etc.).
If we talk about Supply Chain Mangement, about logistics, distribution channels which more have transit point, there are more impact to Supply chain management process. Like inefficient process, waste of time, lost items, etc.

Example : "When there Bonded Logistics Center"

Flow of Goods :
                                   Goods          ->            PLB            ->         Destiny

Before goods had the first transit, right now after Bonded Logistics Center introduced by the government of Indonesia, the goods can directly enter into the warehouse of Bonded Logistics Center and will be easily distributed to the consumer, without any other transit points that add value cost.

The existence of bonded logistics center should be able to make operations more efficient. Therefore, the manufacturing company will no longer need to import raw materials, capital goods and supported material from abroad.

Bonded logistics center is expected to attract to the country or the entire buildup of inventory goods for domestic manufacturing, which had been abroad, especially in Singapore, and others.

In bonded logistics center there are no restrictions on the supply of goods, a large capacity and functioned for the needs of industry in the country, while in the bonded warehouse, there are restrictions depending on the type of commodity through the adjustment of initial permits.

In Bonded Logistics Center, variations in the type of goods is very diverse. Restrictions of hoarding goods in the logistics center is 3 years and can be extended, while in Bonded Warehouse the time is just one year.

B. Conclusion.
So, with the policy from the Government of Indonesia about Bonded Logistics Center, can make the Supply chain activity from national and multinational companies in Indonesia will be easier, effective, and efficient.


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