
Menampilkan postingan dari 2017

Manajemen Pengadaan Q&A

Assalamualaikum,wr,wb. Hai semuanya perkenalin nama saya Rifa Oktavia Alzahra dan biasanya sering dipanggil Rifa, oiya buat kalian yang mungkin suka mampir di blog aku tapi gatau nih aku tuh siapa sih? Kok kalo nulis blog sekitaran dunia Logistik melulu? Haha jadi disini aku bakal buat Tanya jawab yang emang tugas juga dari Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pengadaan. So, stay tune yaa^^         1.       Kuliah Dimana? Dan kenapa milih kuliah disana? =          Aku kuliah di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen dan Transportasi TRISAKTI (alamat: Jalan IPN Kebon Nanas No.2, RT.9/RW.6, Cipinang Besar Selatan, Jatinegara, RT.9/RW.6, Cipinang Besar Sel., Jatinegara, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13410). Nah, kenapa sih aku bisa masuk di sini? Jadi ceritanya tuh panjanggggg banget tapi intinya 1 karena aku ga keterima di negri dan aku emang lagi nyari beasiswa juga.             Aku mikir kan karena nyari bea di Negri itu emang rada susah, dan saat itu keadaanya emang dari m


Hi, I'm rifa yeah this is me. Because on the last few days I went to visit COCA COLA AMATIL INDONESIA, my lecturer gave the task to make a summary of the history of COCA COLA and COCA COLA AMATIL INDONESIA and how they do Distribution of their products. So, if you are curious please read to the end. HISTORY OF COCA COLA COMPANY Coca-Cola history began in 1886 when the curiosity of an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John S. Pemberton, led him to create a distinctive tasting soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains. He created a flavored syrup, took it to his neighborhood pharmacy, where it was mixed with carbonated water and deemed “excellent” by those who sampled it. Dr. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, is credited with naming the beverage “Coca‑Cola” as well as designing the trademarked, distinct script, still used today. Did you know? The first servings of Coca‑Cola were sold for 5 cents per glass. During the first year, sales averag


Summary of “ KONSEP HALAL LOGISTK MENJADI PELUANG BARU BAGI BISNIS INDONESIA” Speaker : Sir. Bimo Widyatmoko                     Direktur Operasional PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia atau IPC Logistic Service On March 14, 2017, 10:00 am. I attended the General Discussion (DISKUM) organized by the Student Association of Logistics (HM.LOG) Transport Trisakti School of Management. General discussions are always held each semester lecture aimed to share knowledge and expand the horizons of the students logistic STMT Trisakti about new things that have been updated in the world of logistics. Mr. Bimo Widyatmoko as the first speaker in the general discussion this time, talk about what is Halal Logistics . So let’s move to the point of this blog! Halal logistics is started from halal and ended up with halal too. Ranging from the process of production, procurement, inventory, packaging, shipping, reached the hands of consumers. He talk about the certification

Summary of CeMAT-SEA-TransAsia Jakarta

Summary of CeMAT-SEA-TransAsia Jakarta Economic Policy Update for Indonesian Competitiveness in regional and global supply-chain sector Moderator   : Mr. Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi ( Chairman of ALFI) CeMat is Co-located with TransAsia Jakarta and ColdChain Indonesia, TransAsia offers transport and logistic companies the ideal platform to engage and network with key cargo owners.   The three shows, each launching for the first time in 2017, are bringing together the full spectrum of the industry under one roof. In total 220 exhibitors are expected to showcase their products to over 5,000 industry professionals. Speaker 1 : Erwin Raza "ECONOMIC POLICY PACKAGE TO SUPPORT THE COMPETITIVENESS OF NATIONAL LOGISTICS AND SCM" Vision, Mission and Objectives SISLOGNAS on 2025 VISION 1.       B uild Indonesia by strengthening the villages ( globally connected ) 2.       I mprove people's productivity to enhance competitiveness in the international m